Rural and Remote Blog

Remote Employee Life Hacks

Written by Ruth Perkins | Feb 7, 2020 1:00:00 PM

Working from home can be the ideal option for many people, but it can be easy to get distracted. These life hacks will help keep you on track to get the most out of your remote workday.

Set a Schedule

Working from home means you could sleep late and then work past five, but it doesn't mean you should. Having a set time you wake up each morning (just like at a regular 9 to 5) will help you keep a routine and be more productive.

Writing out your schedule can also help keep you on track. The simple process of writing down what you'd like to get done (even if no one else sees it) holds you accountable. When you can see what's expected of you, you're more likely to stay focused and stick to your plan.

Dress Appropriately

You don't have to dress to impress when you work in your home office, but changing into something other than your PJs is an important mental step to starting a productive day. It's hard to stay motivated when you're in lounging clothes. Putting on different clothes gives you a different mindset, one that's more likely to keep you focused instead of crawling back into bed.

This is important when you have meetings with your other team members and especially clients. Make a good impression by presenting a professional front.

Create a Workspace

When you have the opportunity to work from anywhere, it can be tempting to work from your bed, but we don't suggest it. Create a workspace (even if you don't have a home office) to set physical boundaries of where you work and where you relax.

Take Breaks

Plan times throughout the day when you can get away from your office space/desk/work. This might mean taking a lunch break, going for a walk, running errands, or anything else that gets you up and moving. These breaks keep your energy levels up and your mind active.

Find the Right Environment

Some people have no problem concentrating with music or audiobooks playing in the background. Other people need COMPLETE silence. Some people like having a coworking space, others like working in their home office. Find what works best for you and do it! It might take some experimenting, but will be 100% worth it in the long run.

Bundle Temptations

Telecommuting creates a new set of distractions than what you're used to. Yes, there aren't coworkers chatting your ear off, but there's a DVR full of your favorite shows in the next room. What may first appear as distractions can become rewards.

End the Day Right

Everyone has end-of-the-day rituals like rinsing out your coffee cup, closing all the tabs on your computer, or even driving home. This separation is more difficult for people who work and live in the same space. Create your end of day process to divide your workday and the rest of your evening. Change into different clothes, go for a walk, reward yourself, take a shower – anything to create the mental barrier between your work and your home.

Even these small changes can make a significant impact on your productivity and help you stay on track when working away from the office.

Tell us which of these life hacks work for you!